Sunday, September 03, 2006

Bridges No.24 - Chiswick Bridge

In the 1930s major improvements were made to what is now the A316 or the Great Chertsey Road. As part of a grand scheme two new bridge were constructed here at Chiswick and further upstream at Twickenham. Chiswick had the honour of opening first in July 1933. It is also one of the first road bridges we've come to so far that wasn't preceeded by an older pre-20th century bridge. Also this is still the original.

It was designed by Sir Herbert Baker with engineering advice from Alfred Dryland and is very similar in design to Twickenham Bridge. Both bridges were constructed with ferro-concrete, but Chiswick has an outer skin of Portland stone giving a special glow when the sun shines upon it. I also think it makes Chiswick Bridge look that little bit grander.

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