Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Bridges No.20 - Fulham Bridge

Fulham Bridge is principally a railway bridge, and is the only railway bridge crossing the Thames that us exclusively used by Underground trains. The bridge is on the Wimbledon branch of the District Line on the stretch bewteen Putney Bridge Station and East Putney. It also acts as a footbridge with a narrow walkway on the downstream side.

The railway to Putney Bridge Station and was completed in 1880. If passengers then wished to cross the river they would have either had to walk to Putney Bridge or they could use on the the steam cruisers that acted as ferries. In 1886 an Act of Parliament was passed allowing the London & South Western Railway to extended their line as far as Wimbledon and in doing so erect a new bridge.

The bridge was designed by W H Thomas and William Jacomb and the first trains ran over it on 3 June 1889, just three years after the Act was passed.

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