Thursday, November 02, 2006

Westminster Bridge - An Update

Back in July I added my entry for Westminster Bridge and noted that there appeared to be some repair work going on. This week there was something of an explanation from Transport for London. TfL are currently replacing the cast iron fascias on the bridge. There are 14 in total, and so far two have been replaced. Each fascia weighs 15 tonnes and was lifted into place by a floating crane. My picture from the summer clearly shows the crane in position. Work on the third fascia begins this November. This work forms part of a longer term maintenance job on the bridge. In 2005 scour protection works were carried out. The fascia replacement, currently underway, should be completed by late 2007. In 2008 the lighting on the bridge is due to be renewed, as is the road surface. Finally corrosion protection work will be carried out, with all works due to finish in 2009.

More info on the TfL website.

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