Thursday, September 21, 2006

Bridges No.28 - Twickenham Bridge

Twickenham Bridge has already had a mention here in the entry for Chiswick Bridge. Both were part of road improvements in the 1930s when the Great Chertsey Road was constructed. Twickenham Bridge was designed by Maxwell Ayrton, but follows the design of Sir Herbert Baker's Chiswick Bridge. It has constructed from reinforced concrete with bronze ballustrades and lamps. Unlike Chiswick, Twickenham Bridge is has not been finished with Portland stone. However, Twickenham has an extra feature not found on Chiswick - namely hinged sections at to allow for the bridge absorb vibrations and movements. The bridge opened in July 1933 on the same day as both Chiswick and Hampton Court Bridges. There was some local resistance the the construction of the bridge in the 1920s and 30s, as it did have to pass through park of Richmond Old Deer Park.

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